Yoga is for everyone!
We have run out of elements! That's right, there are only ffive elements, Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Space, and they are installed in the previous chakras. This is the way models get mixed up and superimposed onto each with time. So if you've wondered about that - this is why.
Chakra Six, Ajna, governs
our intuitive ability and the way we learn and improve intellectually. It is not necessarily associated with the
number and types of diplomas or IQ, but rather our intuitive ability to see
what is illusory, and what is not. And
hence comes the first sign of blockage in this chakra – illusions distort our
perceptions. We cannot see clearly, and
eye disorders can be a physical manifestation of this energetic state. Chakra Six must connect with the Fourth, our heart center - we must see clearly what is in our heart, only then we can make appropriate choices that help us evolve into the spiritual beings we are meant to be. If the neck alignment at Chakra Five is not optimal, then we literally walk around with our heads not plugged in properly into the energetic and physical systems. We live in a fantasy world, unable to hear the subtle stirrings of awareness inside.
Health issues:
In your Yoga practice:
Pranayama: Nadi Shodhana, or Alternate Nostril
Chakra Seven, Sahasrara links our small individual self with the larger picture of life. Here we must figure out how we fit into this world and into the cosmos. It is our spirituality, not necessarily our religion. Yoga is not a religion, but Ishvara Pranidhana, or surrender to divine intelligence is one of the tools to help us achieve deep inner peace. If we question ourselves and god/divine intelligence, this chakra becomes out of balance.
What to do?
Pranayama: Kumbaka (breath retention)
At the end of the journey, this is the place where the duality ends, the male and female principles (Ida and Pingala) come together into One, the Shushumna, our connection to the divine, which is neither male, nor female, beyond form. There is no longer judgment of things being black and white, good or bad, mine and yours. A place of ultimate joy beyond the fear of death, where you realize the eternity of life, that life lives through you, experiences form through you, only to give your form a chance to realize its connection with the divine.
Watch and follow my seated meditation on the Chakras